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Our Reputation is our Calling card

At Dawn Services, our reputation is our calling card; forged over many years with clients whose trust we have earned through hard work and consistent, high-quality service. In all facets of marine transportation, Dawn is known for reliable, well-maintained vessels and professional crews. We deliver top performance and value on every job we undertake.

Founded in 1982 by the Charpentiers, a father-and-sons team with decades of maritime experience, Dawn quickly established itself as the cost-effective solution for a wide variety of projects. The Charpentier family name was then, and is now, widely recognized for sailing expertise and focused service.

Dawn is committed to an uncompromising policy of environmental consciousness. The company has implemented a stringent Environmental Management System to address the handling, treatment, and disposal of wastes, pollutants and hazardous materials on board each vessel in the fleet.

Today, Dawn remains one of the most respected names in the industry, with a fleet of ocean-going towing and anchor handling workhorses. Each vessel is equipped with state-of-the-art and redundant communications and navigation systems, including GPS. Each boasts marine propulsion systems with plenty of muscle for the task assigned. Seasoned mariners command Dawn vessels with years of experience in the industry and crewed by hand-picked teams of marine professionals who are well-trained and highly motivated.

Dawn Services: Setting new standards of excellence in safety and service.